My Old Rocker

Love this old Cracker Barrel rocking chair. Cracker Barrel was a special place for my sons. The year they were baptized, a couple of our church friends took us to eat at Cracker Barrel. It was the first time for the boys to eat there, and they were hooked. One of their favorite things besides how much they love the food, is the old-fashioned rockers and checker games outside on the porch. Both boys would play checkers while waiting for our table. After that they insisted on my husband taking us every year on Mother’s Day. A few years later, we switched to my birthday which is a month earlier. Mother’s Day was getting to be too crowded. The last time my son, Charles was home on leave, he took us there. It brought back pleasant memories for all of us.

A couple years before Young Charles left for boot camp, I was browsing through my favorite used furniture store. I found an old white Cracker Barrel rocking chair and I could not resist getting it. I had been wanting a wooden rocker for some time and this one was perfect. My boys and everyone of my cats love that old rocker.

Late at night after everyone else was in bed, I would turn off the all the lights and one of my boys ended up in it, telling me all about whatever is on their mind. Something about rocking in the dark is good for the soul.  When it was not one of my boys, it was my cat. Yes, my cat has learned how to make the chair rock. Now that Charles is gone, he left his cat with me until he can have a home of his own. She has taken his place on the rocker late at night and shown our newest kitten how great the old rocker is and how to make it rock.