Finishing Up Several Things Before Cold Weather Hits

Freezing cabbage for winter

If you end up with more cabbage than you can eat before it goes bad, freezing may be the way to go for you. Sometimes I make sour krout but I did not have enough to be worth doing that this time. We use cabbage in several dishes, such as Vegetable soup, Minestroni and with Mulligan Stew (sausage, potato, cabbage and carrots).

  • First thing to do wash and cut the cabbage the size you want it. Fill the steamer basket with the chopped cabbage. The bottom pan needs about 5 inches of water. Turn the fire on low so the water can start heating while you are chopping up the cabbage.
  • Then set the steamer in the bottom pan and turn the heat up medium high just long enough to wilt the cabbage, about 15 minutes should do it.
  • Next put the steamer in the sink and run cold water over it to stop the cooking process. If you skip this part the cabbage will continue to cook and will end up mushy when you unthaw it for cooking.
  • After cooling the cabbage put a serving size in freezer bags. How big of bags and how full you fill them depends on the size of your family and how many you are cooking for. I used gallon bags and filled them about 3/4 full. Flatten the bags and lay them flat in the freezer. This makess them easier to store and they will thaw quicker when you are ready to use them.

Bathtub Remodel

While I was working in the kitchen, Charles was working on the master bathroom. He is hooking up a tub with a whirpool. We both have disabilities, but we refuse to give up on our activities. The whirlpool should help with the arthritus and his leg that was broken in several places back in 1975. I can’t wait until I get to try it out. When it is finished I will post a follow up.